User API
- xesmf.util.grid_2d(lon0_b, lon1_b, d_lon, lat0_b, lat1_b, d_lat)
2D rectilinear grid centers and bounds
- Parameters:
- lon0_b, lon1_bfloat
Longitude bounds
- d_lonfloat
Longitude step size, i.e. grid resolution
- lat0_b, lat1_bfloat
Latitude bounds
- d_latfloat
Latitude step size, i.e. grid resolution
- Returns:
- dsxarray DataSet with coordinate values
- xesmf.util.cf_grid_2d(lon0_b, lon1_b, d_lon, lat0_b, lat1_b, d_lat)
CF compliant 2D rectilinear grid centers and bounds.
- Parameters:
- lon0_b, lon1_bfloat
Longitude bounds
- d_lonfloat
Longitude step size, i.e. grid resolution
- lat0_b, lat1_bfloat
Latitude bounds
- d_latfloat
Latitude step size, i.e. grid resolution
- Returns:
- dsxarray.DataSet with coordinate values
- xesmf.util.grid_global(d_lon, d_lat, cf=False, lon1=180)
Global 2D rectilinear grid centers and bounds
- Parameters:
- d_lonfloat
Longitude step size, i.e. grid resolution
- d_latfloat
Latitude step size, i.e. grid resolution
- cfbool
Return a CF compliant grid.
- lon1{180, 360}
Right longitude bound. According to which convention is used longitudes will vary from -180 to 180 or from 0 to 360.
- Returns:
- dsxarray DataSet with coordinate values
- xesmf.util.split_polygons_and_holes(polys)
Split the exterior boundaries and the holes for a list of polygons.
If MultiPolygons are encountered in the list, they are flattened out in their constituents.
- Parameters:
- polysSequence of shapely Polygons or MultiPolygons
- Returns:
- exteriorslist of Polygons
The polygons without any holes
- holeslist of Polygons
Holes of the polygons as polygons
- i_extlist of integers
The index in polys of each polygon in exteriors.
- i_hollist of integers
The index in polys of the owner of each hole in holes.
- xesmf.util.simple_tripolar_grid(nlons, nlats, lat_cap=60, lon_cut=-300)
Generate a simple tripolar grid, regular under lat_cap.
- Parameters:
- nlons: int
Number of longitude points.
- nlats: int
Number of latitude points.
- lat_cap: float
Latitude of the northern cap.
- lon_cut: float
Longitude of the periodic boundary.
- xesmf.util.cell_area(ds, earth_radius=None)
Get cell area of a grid, assuming a sphere.
- Parameters:
- dsxarray Dataset
Input grid, longitude and latitude required. Curvilinear coordinate system also require cell bounds to be present.
- earth_radiusfloat, optional
Earth radius, assuming a sphere, in km.
- Returns:
- areaxarray DataArray
Cell area. If the earth radius is given, units are km^2, otherwise they are steradian (sr).
Standard test data for regridding benchmark.
-, lat)
Spherical harmonic with low frequency.
- Parameters:
- lon, lat2D numpy array or xarray DataArray
Longitute/Latitude of cell centers
- Returns:
- f2D numpy array or xarray DataArray depending on input
2D wave field
\[\begin{split}Y_2^2 = 2 + \cos^2(\\theta) \cos(2 \phi)\end{split}\]References
[1]Jones, P. W. (1999). First-and second-order conservative remapping schemes for grids in spherical coordinates. Monthly Weather Review, 127(9), 2204-2210.
[2]Ullrich, P. A., Lauritzen, P. H., & Jablonowski, C. (2009). Geometrically exact conservative remapping (GECoRe): regular latitude–longitude and cubed-sphere grids. Monthly Weather Review, 137(6), 1721-1741.